May is Med Month!

May is Med MonthMay is International Mediterranean Diet Month (aka Med Month). This month-long celebration creates awareness of the delicious foods and wide-ranging health benefits associated with the Mediterranean style of eating and living.

The Mediterranean diet has been extensively studied and is associated with promoting health and decreasing the risk of many chronic diseases​ including some forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As such, the healthy Mediterranean-style eating pattern is recommended around the world, including in the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

 The Med way is simple, delicious, and satisfying. It reflects a way of eating that is traditional in the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea and includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil ​and limits highly processed foods and added sugar.

Celebrate the delicious foods and wide-ranging health benefits associated with the Mediterranean way of eating and living by exploring and sharing the tools, resources, and recipes from

Submitted by: Catherine Hill