The Eat Smart, Move More Movement
Eat Smart, Move More NC is a statewide movement promoting opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity wherever people live, learn, earn, play, and pray.

Support and connect North Carolina communities as they develop equitable policies, systems, and environmental infrastructure that foster healthy eating and active living.

North Carolina communities have equitable opportunities every day and everywhere for healthy eating and active living that lead to healthy behaviors.

What We Do
Our statewide collaborative provides access to healthy eating and active living resources, education, and networking opportunities to enhance local action and statewide impact.

Our Plan
North Carolina’s Plan to Address Overweight and Obesity is a guide of evidence-informed or evidence-based strategies for anyone working in the area of overweight and obesity prevention. The Plan is designed to steer the efforts of those working as part of the Eat Smart, Move More movement to make healthy eating and physical activity the easy choice for all North Carolinians.
Click here to read the Overweight and Obesity in North Carolina: 2020 Update.

- North Carolina’s Plan to Address Overweight and Obesity: Balance how we eat, drink, and move.
- Desktop printer version
- Professional printer version
- Writing process
- Slide deck
- Press
Who We Are
The Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina movement is powered by partners across the state who are passionate about promoting healthy eating and physical activity.
Partners in the Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina movement include individuals in various sectors across the state who work or volunteer in education, healthcare, business, media, community organizations, and more.
As partners in this movement, we look to North Carolina’s Plan to Address Overweight and Obesity for evidence-based strategies.
The Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina movement is guided by an Executive Committee and multiple subcommittees.

Join Us
Anyone who promotes increased opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity is encouraged to become a partner of Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina. Partnership is free, and joining will provide access to partner meetings, electronic newsletters, and other communications.
Newsletters from Eat Smart, Move More NC
Click here to learn more about Eat Smart, Move More NC interests and events via the newsletter. You can also access archived newsletters.
Contact Us
To learn more about Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina, contact us at